Why It’s Important You Hire Professional Office Cleaning In Havant

As employees around the country are slowly returning to their offices, it’s vital their workplaces take measures to ensure cleanliness. After all, it takes just one sick person in the office to infect the whole staff – by undertaking deep and regular office cleaning in Havant, local businesses will be able to get back to operating as close to ‘normal’ as possible. A relief for all, we’re sure you’ll agree.

The Importance of Office Cleaning in Havant

Why Undertake Regular Cleaning?

We’re all by now aware that COVID-19 is spread via close person-to-person contact (usually within 6 feet/2-metres) and as such, social distancing must be retained at all times. Studies have suggested that the virus can also linger in the air for up to three hours – so erecting barriers and undergoing the cleaning of surfaces will help to vastly reduce the chances of transmission.

As office spaces typically have various types of equipment and materials consisting of plastics, cardboard and stainless steel, it is a potential breeding ground for viruses (cold and flu season is evidence of that!) US government research has said that Coronavirus has been known to remain viable for up to 4 hours on copper services, 24 hours on cardboard – and up to 3 days on stainless steel and plastics.

In the event that an employee shows symptoms of COVID, it’s critical that office managers immediately treat the issue with deep sanitisation. Stopping the spread requires disinfection as well as general cleaning – so it’s a job that’s best done by expert, professional office cleaners.

Why hire a professional office cleaning company?

Performing a thorough clean and disinfection of an office requires a knowledge of the latest COVID hygiene regulations and attentiveness to areas that are commonly overlooked. This is the major advantage when it comes to Coronavirus cleaning and disinfection – but there are plenty more benefits to be had, including: 

Why It’s Important You Hire Professional Office Cleaning In Havant
  • Frees up time for the office manager. By hiring a professional office cleaning company in Havant, local businesses will be able to concentrate on their work, rather than spending extra hours every day undertaking (and worrying about) cleaning.

  • Cleaning after hours. To reduce any potential disruption, cleaners can attend the office at set periods of the day; enabling employees to feel less distracted when doing their work. Being COVID-safe will ensure the ongoing physical and mental health of workers are safeguarded, in turn boosting morale and preventing any further disruptions to the flow of the business.

  • Encourage people back. The fundamental aspect of any workplace is that it should offer a safe, comfortable environment. Employees will only feel encouraged to return and operate as close to pre-COVID as possible if they know it’s safe to do so. By hiring a professional office cleaning company, businesses will be going a long way to creating that safe and comfortable environment.

So, if you’re in need of professional office cleaning in Havant, the expert team here at The Cleaning Academy has you covered.

Deep Cleaning For Offices In Hampshire

We understand any concerns that you may have about the intensity of the cleaning job your facility receives – being a place of work that is in constant use, health concerns are a natural thing to worry about.

This is why we offer a deep office cleaning service that ensures every aspect of your workplace is cleaned with a high-strength anti-bacterial cleaning product.  We can make sure that your cleaning regimes are updated to the latest government health & safety guidelines (handwashing, social distancing and measures against staff sickness). We can also increase cleaning and disinfection regimes on surfaces and objects and surfaces that are touched regularly whenever required.

Our deep cleaning of offices can be arranged at times that suit your particular circumstances. We can carry out additional sanitising cleans during the day or evening, on a daily or weekly basis.  If your business decides to close for a time, we will use the closed period to sanitise your offices, ensuring they are thoroughly ready for your staff to return to.

To learn more about our office cleaning in Havant service you
can speak to a member of our team by calling 0800 707 6722. You can also send an email to us
at enquiries@thecleaningacademy.com.

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